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Brazil: The Capoeira

52' English SD
Ref. 645837Available WorldMobile, IPTV, OTT

The Federative Republic of Brazil is the most populous country in Latin America and the fifth largest country in the world by area. It shares its borders to the south with Uruguay, to the southwest with Argentina and Paraguay, to the west with Bolivia and Peru and to the northwest with Colombia. The Brazilian cultural tradition is extremely rich and varied, notably from a musical, choreographic and culinary point of view, but also from a religious point of view. This tradition is very directly linked to a popular practice of culture in its mainly musical and dance forms, and has its roots in traditions imported from Africa by the slaves who were deported to Brazil by the Portuguese. So it is with Capoeira. Capoeira is certainly, along with samba, the main affirmation of Brazilian cultural identity. Capoeira dates back to the beginning of the last century, its rhythm and its techniques of feints among others are borrowed from the African peoples of Angola. The possession of weapons and martial training being forbidden to them by their masters, the slaves invented capoeira, drawing inspiration from their traditional African dances to develop this style of combat. It was a way for them to resist the daily violence that prevails in the plantations. This martial art disguised as a dance contains all the soul of Brazil. Today capoeira is an art worthy of respect, it is recognized and practiced throughout Brazil and, like most martial arts, follows a current of thought; here it is the cultural banner of the thought movements of the black people.


Producer Mobibase
Origin France
Year 2009