Resolution 720 x 480 mp4
Ratio 1.5:1
Screen 4/3 screen
Yu-Gi-Oh! / Season 02 / Episode 45

A Duel With Destiny Part 2: Kaiba Vs. Ishizu

21' English SD
Ref. 1120620Available Upon validationSVOD, Mobile, OTT

Ishizu, using the magic of her Millennium Necklace, has already seen the outcome of the duel: she will defeat Kaiba with sacrifice's blast! How can Kaiba win when it’s predestined that he will lose? Kaiba must change the future!


Producer Mobibase
Director Kunihisa Sugishima
Cast Amy Birnbaum, Darren Dunstan, Wayne Grayson, Dan Green, Megan Hollingshead, Eric Stuart
Origin JP
Year 2001