Resolution 720 x 480 mp4
Ratio 1.5:1
Screen 4/3 screen
Yu-Gi-Oh! / Season 01 / Episode 09

Duel With A Ghoul

21' English SD
Ref. 1123627Available Upon validationSVOD, Mobile, OTT

Yugi must duel a magical doppelganger of Kaiba, created from the greed and power lust Yugi wiped from Kaiba's soul. But with his best cards resting at the bottom of the ocean, Yugi must discover a new strategy if he’s to survive fake Kaiba's powerful Blue Eyes White Dragon!


Producer Mobibase
Director Kunihisa Sugishima
Cast Amy Birnbaum, Darren Dunstan, Wayne Grayson, Dan Green, Megan Hollingshead, Eric Stuart
Origin JP
Year 2001