Resolution 768 x 576 mp4
Ratio 1.33:1
Screen 4/3 screen
She-Wolf The Last Sentinel / Season 01 / Episode 22

Episode 22

46' English SD
Ref. 926241Available WorldAll Connected Devices

Manolo and Eleanora report the possible infiltration of enemy agents in the House of Elle to the Council of Wayas. But Ylvana dismisses their concern. Meanwhile, it is Noah who chances upon a catatonic Nessa languishing in a hospital. It turns out Nessa was given a dose of animal tranquilizer strong enough to kill three horses. Noah discharges Nessa, intent on finding Lyka to reunite mother and daughter. How fortuitous then that the bus Noah is trying to catch is the same bus Lyka is on; thus paving the way for the star-crossed lovers to meet again. An experienced intelligence operative, Noah wants to leave the area immediately but Lyka asks to stay one more day as she really wants her mother to get well. Will this delay lead to Noah’s capture?


Producer Mobibase
Director Cathy Garcia-molina , Jerry Lopez Sineneng
Cast Angel Locsin , Piolo Pascual
Origin Philippines
Year 2008